Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass ...
Its about learning to dance in the rain!!!
There are many things in life that will catch your eye
but only a few will catch your heart... Pursue those

This is my small effort to make you smile for a while...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sleepy Afternoon...

If I write something very weird please don’t neglect thinking it’s usual. Today it’s different because I am writing this with completely blank mind and half closed eyes. While trying to control my sleep I am doing these things…

1. In last 10 min I have explored 3 different ways to sleep without getting noticed by anyone.
2. I have messaged more than ten friends to see who replies faster.
3. Refreshed inbox more than 20 times in 10 min.
4. I prepared Task list of loads of work pending and have been continuously reworking on the same thing again and again.
5. Can’t avoid the movie Babble running in mind which I saw yesterday night.
6. I am writing this blog.
7. Dreaming of a place to sleep and just sleep tight.
8. Oh my god! I am still not able to control my sleep, someone save me
Thudd!!! Did u hear it my head banged to the desk here, My laptop has survived with minor injuries…


Milana said...

Hi Ramya,
You just spoke what was in my mind. These are the exact same things I do when I am trying to doze off at work :)