Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass ...
Its about learning to dance in the rain!!!
There are many things in life that will catch your eye
but only a few will catch your heart... Pursue those

This is my small effort to make you smile for a while...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mind my heart

There sets the sun,
Leaving a picturesque hue
Perplexed is my heart is it the end
But smiles my mind as it’s an onset of new.

There sheds the green leaves,
Leaving behind an empty wood
Conflicts my heart to let it go
But says my mind to see beyond the bare hood

There swings the broken cage,
Shattering my love flees the bird
Aches my heart in betrayal rage
But mind mocks for whining at rightful tread.

There waves the hand wishing me good bye
Leaving behind a million memories
Shivers my heart and cries aloud why 
As always consoles my mind to let go and recreate.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Snapshots of the year thats gone by

2014…here it is and I am 15days late in making post on my blog, wondering where I was lost!!! 
Actually when I started recording the things which occupied me I realized year after year life changes drastically. In the beginning of year 2013 with advancing age and stress in life, I had thought that life would get busy and things would change so much that I will not have many friends to be with, enough time to cherish my hobbies but then year that went buy offered so much of flexibility and fun that I got so much time to hug new things and share the fun with many.

Year that passed by so gracefully offered me the sublime pleasure in every activity with lovely people around me. This post is my ode to all those beautiful people who made my 2013 wonderful

Partying and fun

 Love and care


Shared my love with everyone.

Every single day of 2013 now seems like a fun filled motion picture…

Just as the people in this picture add the dimension to the beauty of this snap, My life was also beautiful in the year of 2013 just because of the people in it, my family, friends and you all...

So here I am starting my 2014 with this post on my blog.
On the onset of this new year, I am yet again hoping and wishing that this year will double the pleasure and strength as compared to the previous years. Happy New year folks :)

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